The alluring profile of nature lies within the landscapes, water streams, and creatures that flourish in it. The abundance of nature’s wonders awakens the senses of travelers and satisfies their craving for beauty. Nature gifted all the territory with its unique and ethereal scenery. From scorching hot desserts to chilly snowy fall, every country holds its natural presence. Some countries have lush greenery, calming water currents, and stunning creatures. Among these countries, Nepal has three distinct climatic regions: subalpine forested hills, fertile plains, and sky-reaching, snow-covered mountains.
Nepal is labeled with titles such as "country lying at the lap of the Sagarmatha," “roof of the world,” and “birthland of Gautam Buddha.". Likewise, Switzerland is famous as “The Playground of Europe" and "The Jewel of Central America," titled Costa Rica highlights its rich biodiversity and lush rainforests, and Scotland is glorified as "The Land of Lochs and Mountains.". These countries welcome floods of visitors every year during the holiday, festive, and even non-festive seasons. Natural heritages belonging to these naturally and culturally blessed countries played a crucial role in the positive impact on tourism. Nepal is not considered inferior in any context of natural, cultural, and historical heritages. Eight of the world's ten tallest mountains, including Mount Everest, lie in Nepal and are culturally so enriched as Nepal’s capital, Kathmandu, is known as “The City of Thousand Temples.". Stunning landscapes brought many adventurous activities like bungee jumping, trekking, paragliding, mountain biking, and rock climbing, making it a destination for adventurers. But the query revolves around why Nepal has not gotten its exposure like other nations to the rest of the world.
Nepal opened its door for tourism to the world of tourism in 1951 A.D. As the tourism sector evolves to take the form, many problems begin to resurface. These problems were instantly linked to insufficient infrastructure, political unpredictability, lacking accommodation, and life-threatening calamities. Nepal has come a long way in terms of the development of the tourism sector. Only recently, Nepal's tourism sector has been declared an "industry," past its service category. The establishment of numerous tourism facilities, gradual build-up of a tourism foundation, follow-up of year plans, and government focus towards tourism played a vital role in creating a successful environment for travelers. The problem still revolves around Nepal's tourism's lack of digital presence towards visitors.
Other nations faced a similar problem of lacking digital presence and limited global visibility and exposure. To overcome such issues, Sri Lanka integrated with online booking platforms and created engaging social media campaigns targeting international audiences. Likewise, the Philippines launched the "It's More Fun in the Philippines" campaign, and its government invested in creating user-friendly websites. Thus, observing these nations, Nepal should granulate the cause of the problem and apply formidable and sustainable solutions.